Sunday, December 9, 2012

Staying warm with a Buddy!

I chose The Buddy Heater as my choice for staying warm in the cold winter months. The Buddy Heater is very cost efficient for a heater of this caliber compared to other brands of heaters. The Buddy Heater can run off of either a 2 pound propane bottle that simply screws into the heater that you can purchase at a local camping store or Walmart .You can also buy a adapter and hose which i have pictured, for using a refillable 20 pound propane tank. The Buddy Heater is safe to run indoors but any time its in use I crack the windows an inch or so just to play it safe. I also purchased a co2 monitor just to be safe . I have only had it go off twice which was because the windows weren't cracked but the Buddy Heater has a built in shut off if the co2 level gets to high. I have been in close to zero degrees and the Buddy Heater has kept me warm in the coldest conditions and only takes about five minutes for the van to get toasty warm. I would recommend The Buddy Heater to anyone staying in their vehicle for the price and how easy it works. If you want to be even more warm, you can upgrade to the bigger heater which is simply called The Big Buddy Heater.It has twice as much power and runs off the 2 pound and 20 pound bottles.Mr. Heater- Inc. MRHF274800 MH18B Big Buddy Heater (Google Affiliate Ad)


  1. This is the second winter season that I've been running a Mr. Heater Buddy. I also had one kick off due to low oxygen. Right now it's 28 outside, 79 inside. There's nothing like being nice and warm.

  2. You can't sleep in there with that thing on, can you?

  3. Brad they are a life saver. Steadyroller yes you can sleep with it on. It has a automatic cut off when oxygen gets low and to be extra safe I sleep with a co2 alarm as well.
